
Naturopathic Remedies For Acid RefluxHow to provide naturopathic remedies for acid reflux? The term “acid reflux” means a condition in which the acids that our stomach produce rise up into the esophagus since the valve that separates the stomach contents from the esophagus is faulty.

In general, acid reflux and heartburn are often used interchangeably. It is considered as acid reflux when the action of stomach acids goes up the wrong way whereas heartburn refers to the burning sensation.

National Health Service mentions that Common symptoms of acid reflux include:

  • Heartburn, burning chest pain or discomfort that occurs after eating
  • An unpleasant sour taste in the mouth, due to stomach acid coming back up into the mouth
  • Dysphagia, pain and difficulty swallowing

Naturopathic Remedies For Acid Reflux

In addition to your doctor’s advice, the followings are many naturopathic remedies you can provide to ease the symptoms of acid reflux.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is well-known as a delicious tea that has soothing effects. According to modern clinical researches, the soothing effects of chamomile are also known to provide acid reflux natural relief. To get benefits, you can sip chamomile tea in a moderate temperature, which is not too hot or cold.

If chamomile tea is not available, you can change it with fennel tea.


Some reputable naturopathic practitioners suggest taking licorice to ease heartburn and get to the source of the problem.

Since the contents of stomach are supposed to be acidic, it means that antacids are not the best solution. On the other hand, the herb licorice has natural stomach healing properties.

A warning word: Since eating a lot of licorice can also have serious side effects like high blood pressure, it’s a good idea to try chewable DGL licorice tablets before meals.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, in short called aloe, is an herb that people usually used to soothe burn injuries. Well, this herb should do the same thing for stomachs. In naturopathic remedies, aloe vera juice acts as inflammation reliever so it will do the same thing in the esophagus as well as the stomach.

To provide acid reflux natural remedies, you can drink 1/2 cup before meals. The only warning word is that aloe juice can be a laxative.

Slippery Elm

For thousands of years, the herb slippery elm has been used in herbal remedies to treat a variety of illnesses, which is including GERD symptoms. The extract of slippery elm works by thickening the layer of mucous lining the stomach so that creating a stronger barrier against acid.

The herb slippery elm is known as a demulcent that provides a coating or protective layer to the tissue of the stomach. To get health benefits, you can use a couple tablespoons in water after meals and at bedtime.

Chewing Gum

A new research published at The Journal of Dental Research shows that people with symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) experienced relief when they chewed a piece of sugar-free gum for 30 minutes after a meal.

The reason is that chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands and increases the flow of saliva. The acid that has built up in the gut is diluted and washed away or cleared out more quickly, and the clearance of acid then improves the symptoms of GERD.

To get benefits, after a meal pop in a piece of sugar-free gum and chew for 30 minutes.

Have you tried these naturopathic remedies for acid reflux? Share your opinion to anyone else!