
herbal remedies for shingles

What are naturopathic remedies for shingles that I can take safely? The term “shingles” means an infection of a nerve and the area of skin around it. This disease is caused by the herpes virus called varicella-zoster, which also causes chickenpox.

Estimates vary, but about one in five people have shingles at some time in their life. This disease can occur at any age but most common in people over the age of 50. Well, it is uncommon to have shingles more than once. However, about one person in 50 has shingles two or more times in their life.

The symptoms of shingles, such as: pain and a rash, usually go within two to four weeks. These occur in the area of skin that the nerve supplies.

Naturopathic Remedies For Shingles

In addition to your doctor’s recommendation, the followings are many herbs that you can use as naturopathic remedies for shingles.

Lemon Balm

Some reputable naturopathic practitioners endorses lemon balm as natural remedy for shingles. This herb is viewed as the prime choice of naturopathic remedies to treat herpes. According to good researches, it contains polyphenols that have anti-herpes actions.

To provide natural cure, apply lemon-balm tea as topical applications. Simply steep two to four tablespoons of lemon balm in a cup of boiling water. Next, dip a cotton ball into the tea and gently rub the blisters four times a day.

For the easiest way, there are ointment preparations containing dried lemon-balm leaf widely used in Europe. You can buy them at the health food stores or pharmacies.


Garlic has a good reputation as an herb that has antibiotic, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. With antiviral properties, this herb is also a good remedy that you can use to soothe the symptoms of shingles.

To get health benefits, you can take two capsules of garlic extract two times a day for a week. Another trick, you can also add some minced garlic cloves to your favorite foods.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also considered as one of effective natural remedy you can use to fight against shingles. To provide natural cure for this disease, simply mix a 1:1 up to a 1:4 ratio of water to vinegar. Next step, soak a smooth cotton cloth in the solution and then apply to the blisters or affected areas several times daily. Do it routinely.


Useful chemical called capsaicin is considered as one of ingredients that can help soothe shingles. If you prefer natural approach, cayenne pepper is a good choice. Some herbal practitioners state that cayenne pepper is also known to reduce the pain from shingles.

To get benefits, you can take capsule preparation, which is added to food and applied as cream. Another trick, you can also mix powdered red pepper into any body lotion or moisturizing cream. Simply apply to blisters several times a day.

Keep in mind, capsaicin may cause irritation or allergy to the skin. To avoid that, you should test it first on a small area of skin. Stop use if irritation gets worse!

Do you have other naturopathic remedies for shingles? Or, have you tried these remedies? Share your opinions or other tips to anyone else!