
Ayurveda Naturopathic Remedies For Acne

What are Ayurveda naturopathic remedies for acne that help get rid of? Acne is a common problem causing embarrassment and lack of confidence. This skin problem affects 60% of youngsters between 12 to 24 years of age. Some factors such as dirty skin, eating unhealthy foods, and hormonal changes are a few common causes that lead to acne.

Conventional therapies such as acne medications, OTC preparations, and laser treatment may help banish the acne. In addition to that, there are a number of Indian herbal remedies for acne relief that work.

Useful Indian Naturopathic Remedies For Acne

Modern researches in India confirmed that many Indian naturopathic remedies can help cure acne or pimples. The following is a list of herbs that people in India commonly use to get rid of this skin problem.


The herb cinnamon is recommended by practitioners of Ayurvedic Indian medicine as natural cure for acne. Some good researches showed that the essential oil has strong anti-microbial properties that are useful to provide natural acne remedies.

To make your homemade herbal remedies for acne, you can mix a little cinnamon powder with a little honey to make a paste. Apply it on each pimple and allow to remain overnight. In the next morning, wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat for a few days if necessary.


One of medications that your doctor recommends is antibiotic, which is helpful to kill bacteria causing acne, P. acnes. If you want to try natural ingredient, garlic is worth a try. This herb is said to have the action of cleansing toxins from the blood.

To provide remedies, remove the outer skin of garlic and rub a single clove on the affected areas. Another trick, mix a few of ground garlic with a little curd and use this face pack on the affected areas.


The herb turmeric is known to contain natural antimicrobial properties, according to many modern studies. In India, the women have always been using turmeric paste claiming it keeps their skin healthy and glowing.

To get benefits, mix a little turmeric powder with a little coconut oil and apply directly onto the pimples at night. In the next morning, simply wash your face with water to remove the paste.

You can also make your own homemade paste for acne by mixing a few of neem leaf powder, a little rose water, and turmeric powder to form a paste. Simply apply it to the affected areas and then leave it on for around 20 minutes or so and then wash your face.


Some folk medicine practitioners recommend amaranth as acne remedies. That’s not a surprise as amaranth leaves are a wonderful astringent that makes a great wash for skin problems like acne.

To get benefits, you can make a tea from amaranth seeds and use as a face wash. Bring 3 cups of water to boil and add 2 teaspoons of seeds. After that, cover and boil for five minutes and remove from heat. Add 1 teaspoon of leaves and then steep for 30 minutes.


In Indian Ayurveda, the herb neem is well-known for its varied healing properties due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. To provide herbal remedies for acne, you can take 5 fresh leaves everyday in the morning to remove stubborn acne.