Medical Disclaimers

The information contained in this Web site and in the materials available through or referenced in this site is intended for educational purposes only.

This Web site is not intended to be a substitute for the medical advice or care of a physician or other health-care professional, or for the advice of a licensed pharmacist. It is not a medical manual.

Information about medications, home remedies, dietary supplements, herbs and other treatments is general in nature and does not cover all possible benefits and risks of individual use. There is no way to predict how any individual will react to a medication, herb, home remedy or other treatment.

Herbal Remedies or whatever other natural cures are rarely tested in a scientific manner. They should never be used in lieu of appropriate medical care. Information about adverse reactions or interactions with herbs, over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, or prescription medications is often lacking. The reader should NOT assume that the herbs, dietary supplements, home remedies, or drugs that are discussed on this Web site are safe.

Every treatment has the potential to cause some side effects for some people. Moreover, the descriptions of adverse reactions, contraindications, and interactions that are provided with herbs, drugs, dietary supplements, and home remedies are abbreviated and do not represent the entire spectrum of potential problems that could occur.

The reader should not assume that because a side effect or interaction is not mentioned on this Web site that a combination is therefore safe. Accordingly, use of any medication, herb, home remedy, dietary supplement or drug mentioned on this Web site or in materials referenced or available through this site is strictly at your own risk.

Consult your physicians in matters regarding your health. Any signs or symptoms of illness require proper diagnosis and medical attention.

Any health problems that do not get better promptly or that get worse should be evaluated by an appropriate clinician and treated properly. If you suspect that you or someone you care for is experiencing an adverse reaction from an herb, drug, dietary supplement, or home remedy, please consult a knowledgeable health professional immediately.

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